Audiences for Presentation Topics

Medical Fields

Social Work Classes, Medical Schools, Nursing Courses, CHAs, CNAs, In Home Caregivers, Hospice Care, Nursing Home & Senior Housing Workforce, etc.


Business Professionals

Elder Law Attorneys, Estate Attorneys, Real Estate Attorneys, Bankers, HR Managers, Home Safety Builders & Renovators, Financial Planners, etc. 

Family & Community

Family, Friends, Libraries, Senior Centers, Religious Organizations, Support Groups, Law-makers, Social Clubs, etc.

Baby Boomer Retirees - Different than Before 

This is an excellent informative topic for social workers, human resource departments, senior communties, or even your local library. 

Baby Boomers don't see themselves as old. Perhaps more of a 'vintage wine,' and they are very active in their communties. Baby Boomers want to be close to the arts, civic organizations, and be involved in their families and the younger generations. They are more connected than previous generations of retirees and seek ongoing fulfillment. 

Mr. Caleca helps provide a deeper understanding of each generation, from Boomer to Millenial and those in between, providing guidance to attendees on how to enrich and enhance the relationships across the generations. 

Physician Interface & Pharmaceutical Intake

This presentation is geared toward the elderly, social workers, nurses, and those involved in the care of an elder. It is an instructional talk that guides the elder or their care team in the proper pre-appointment planning including scheduling and relevant questions to scheduling that take into account wait time, time spent fasting etc. 

It's also important to plan for proper appointment handling - bringing a list of questions, avoiding socializing and being sure to address all current medical concerns including lists of symptoms, medications, and struggles. If on a large quantity of medications, perhaps asking for a referral to a pharmacologist. 

With the limited time available with a physician, it is essential to maximize the patient's time with them in order to ensure the highest level of care. 

Countering Elder Lonliness, Isolation & Depression

This presentation is important for the senior community as well as their families. This topic is appropriate for almost every setting, as we all know an aging person who might struggle with physical restrictions, travel restrictions, technological difficulties etc who would benefit from increased social interaction. 

It's important to stay connected with our elder community, and there are many opportunities for connecting. Planning events, senior centers, day-trips, and visits are just some of the strategies for alleviating lonliness in the elder community. 

A number of things can contribute to Depression:

  • Extreme stress or trauma
  • Bereavement and complicated or chronic grief
  • Alcohol, caffeine, drugs (prescription, over-the-counter, and illegal)

Symptoms of Depression usually last more than two weeks:

  • Disturbed sleep (sleeping too much or too little)
  • Changes in appetite (weight loss or gain)
  • Physical aches and pains
  • Lack of energy or motivation
  • Irritability and intolerance
  • Loss of interest
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Difficulties with concentration or decision-making
  • Recurring thoughts of death or suicide

Depression can and will lift with proper care and treatment. In addition to profressional treatment, Tom provides a number of strategies for both preventing, and countering depression in the aging population including strategies for maintaining social contact and connectedness.

Recognizing & Understanding Dementia & Alzeheimers Disease

It's essential that those who come in regular contact with the aging population know and understand the signs of Dementia, Alzheimer's, Delirium and Mild Cognitive Impairment, and more importantly, how to interact with individuals who struggle with these. Some of the ideal audiences for this presentation include. Baby Boomers, Caregivers, Home Health Aids, Home Health Organizations, Corporate Philanthropy and HR Employee Relations, Veterans and V.A. Facilities, Senior Apartments, and College Social Work Departments.

Recognizing the Difference:

Mild Cognitive Impairment
A decline in brain function and may be part of “normal Aging” as long as it does not interfere with activities of daily living. 

Encompasses all terms that relate to a decline in brain function. In years past this was called senility. Dementia is a set of symptoms that results from an injury or illness or may be hereditary based on the death of brain cells, or a condition called amyloids, sometimes referred to as brain plaque.

Warning signs and symptoms of Dementia range from mild to severe. Consistent forgetfulness, short term memory loss, decision making, perception, attention, comprehension, judgment and communication are symptoms of dementia.

A state of confusion. Delirium and dementia are separate disorders but are sometimes difficult to distinguish. Delirium affects mostly attention.

Alzheimer's Disease
The most common form of irreversible dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. AD is characterized by the death of brain cells.

Other forms of dementia are Vascular Parkinson’s and Lewy Body.

Responding to Signs of Cognitive Decline

If you notice signs of these symptoms, the first step is to have that individual see a physician or a specialist for a neurological assessment and evaluation. Some treatable medical conditions can cause dementia symptoms, so it's important to determine the underlying cause. Also, there may be medications that can slow progress of dementia.

Communicating with individuals with cognitive decline:
Tom will discuss a variety or methods, habits and communication strategies that are most successful when interacting with these individuals, whether in a professional capacity, or in daily life. 


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Productive, Successful Aging & Countering Ageism


This presentation focuses on strategies for maintaining an active and connected life as we age. The aging population, in addition to those who interact with them will equally benefit from this presentation, including 

Baby Boomers, Retirement Organizations, Senior Centers, Community Organizations, Libraries, Corporate Philanthropy, HR Employee Relations, Attorneys, Financial Planners, Health Organizations as well as Home safety Builders and Renovators.


Successful and productive aging has many faces. They may include reinventing oneself and discovering new passions. Education, business start ups, travel, meeting new people, learning and challenging oneself to do new and different things, helping others, keeping abreast of new technology, interfacing with younger generation and the list goes on and on in personal fulfillment while in retirement. 


Yes we are getting older but we can always attempt to maintain a “young old status.” Taking inventory of you, staying involved and being of service to others is key to one’s success. Planning for ongoing personal growth in retirement is essential to your mental and physical health. Create your roadmap for a productive and energized life in your later chapters.

Countering Ageism


As many know the term Ageism not only represents discrimination but embodies so many falsehoods and negative connotations about “old folks.” These assumptions come to life on greeting cards, in the media, television commercials and keeping alive past stereotypes.

The new age wave will be at the forefront in changing misconceptions about later life status. Tom discusses strategies for coping with these stereotypes, and overcoming the fear of those stereotypes within oneself. 

Caregiver Training & Family Balance

This presentation is designed to guide and train those who deal with the aging population on a professional or family caregiver level. This can include staff at retirement centers, senior centers, assisted living centers, home care providers, hospice staff, nurses, social workers, and of course, family members caring for loved ones. 

There are many changes and challenges that the aging population face. Whether they experience physical declines in health, mental declines in health, or both, facing these new challenges can be frustrating for both the individual, and those who are in place to assist the individual. 

It is just as important for those who care for the aging population to find balance, develop coping strategies, and build positive habits for the best possible outcomes in senior care. 

Providing a Safe Elder Care Environment

Driving Safety

One of the first safety concerns that tends to arise with Alzheimer's is driving safety. It is a task that requires alertness, clarity, and sound decision making. Depending on the stage of the disease, driving safety may mean limiting driving to local trips, or to daytime driving only. Later on, difficult conversations may need to be had. Aging Support Solutions can help you determine if driving limitations are needed at this time.

Home Safety

This is an extensive topic for those with cognitive decline, and Aging Support Solutions can provide you with literature that will help you to address all of the areas for home safety. For starters, you will want to be sure smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are plentiful and functional. Declutter the home and leave emergency numbers available and easy to locate. Your loved one may forget the number for 911. Those with AD can read until late stages of the disease, and helpful notes can be extensively useful. 

Again, there are many facets of home safety that should be addressed, and Aging Support Solutions can provide you with literature to help you catch all of the important details, from handrails, to removal of dangerous substances. 

Some of the Most Common Challenges that Aging Support Solutions can guide you towards strategies do cope with:

Communication Challeges - How to remain patient with a confused, distracted, frustrated, or repetitive loved one. 

Personality Changes - With Alzheimer's brain cells are dying, and the mind can change in unexpected ways. Paranoia, anger, depression, aggression, a tendency to wander, and even strange sexual behaviors can all be difficult to cope with. 

How and When to Tell Family and Friends and Others - It can be difficult to help others understand what is happening to your loved one, or why the behave in a particular way. Whether speaking to small children, to the waiter at a restaurant, there are a number of effective strategies for informing others. 

Planning for the Future with Aging Loved Ones

It is has been noted that more people take longer to prepare for a two week vacation rather than  perhaps a quarter or more of their life in retirement. It's important to take the time to answer the difficult questions surrounding "What comes next?" 

This presentation is approppriate for Baby Boomers, Caregivers, Home Health Aids, Health Insurance Organizations, Corporate Philanthropy Groups, HR Employee Relations, Veterans and V.A. Facilities, Senior Apartments, College Social Work Department, Geriatric and Primary Care Physicians, Elder Law Attorneys & Financial Planners.

Remedies for the challenges that will occur in later life are available. These resources can enhance quality of life. Let us prepare the best plans so that we may put forth effort to bring good things to fruition.

Planned preparation is a necessity before we enter the later stages of life. No loved one’s family should reach a point where they are reacting to crisis. In our more mature years it is not going to be a probable concern if challenges will befall us, they most certainly will in regard to health, home and relationships. We cannot afford to merely fly by the seat of our pants but we can get the best mileage while grounded in self control. A life plan that will address the solutions and remedies to future events will ease unforeseen hardship to those who look forward to living into their eighties and beyond! Proper planning can add life to years as years are added to life.

Today’s elders aspire to age in place in their residences in order to avoid nursing homes. However retirees face the challenges of maintaining their health and independence. For example, if a widow or widower is isolated chances are they will be subject to some form of self neglect. If a personal life plan is in place this likely situation would be avoided.

It’s a fact that the millions of baby boomers maturing and retiring will increase the potential to care for themselves in old age especially those living on their own. For workers who choose early career departure, almost one third of their lives will be spent in retirement.

Long Term Care Planning is a necessity. Working with both an Elder Life Care Counselor and Elder Law Attorney can help you to create a long term plan for successful aging. No one should be left to fend for themselves when they reach their elder years. Tom will guide you towards the essential questions and help you discover your answers to the question, "What comes next?"

Call For Details Regarding Additional Topics: (908)-763-2232